Dr. Hottie's Reality Checkup

Welcome to my world. Expect very real opinions (laden with sarcastic and off color humor) about the great invention that is reality television. This blog may occasionally stray off topic, but its for the best really.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Toga! Toga!

Okay so I was a little bummed this episode. Not that Lake and Michelle are gone - heavens no! There wasn't a whole lot of screen time for the frats. Thus, I was less entertained than usual. It's okay though cause they're totally going to win.

One may ask why I sometimes change the nicknames I give to the teams from one week to the next. If the mood strikes me, I just do. One nickname may be more fitting one week than another. Or I just get bored. Adult ADD really sucks.

TEAM DA VINCI - So Eric and Jeremy really have nothing to do with Leonardo other than the fact that they're going to the Da Vinci Code premiere in like a month. Team Alpha was old though so it was the best I could come up with at the time. Was a little shocked they went for the Fast Forward. That's something you tend to use when you know you need it and it was a risk, but we'll see how it pays off. And wouldn't you know these were Roadblocks and Detours I think they could have done EASILY. Oh well, they're in first again. And that's all that really matters in the end.

TEAM MELLOW - The reason Ray and Yolanda have done well up until this point was because they've stayed calm under pressure and they're strong. The reason they have not done well is that they're not the best with directions in general. And they get off trains that they're not supposed to get off of. It was probably Lake's idea. Poor saps. Of course, next week looks like Mr. Negativity left some of his bad mojo (no pun intended) behind and Ray gets bitten by the angry monster. This could cause that team to implode because cool headedness has been their advantage. Again, it works for MoJo so apparently it isn't always the kiss of death.

TEAM BROKEN OX - On a whole this week, MoJo was on good behavior. The Detour and Roadblock mostly went without incident. Of course, there was the little Fast Forward issue. It was smart of them to go for it, but shit happens. Monica didn't spazz out and start breaking plates over her head mumbling about fish guts. They simply moved on and did what they had to do. I actually worry about them as competition. Not the brightest bulbs in the lamp store, but they get it done somehow.

TEAM GOLDEN - You know I'll bet Barry considered just pushing Fran off that ledge when she didn't want to jump. Maybe a little. I would have. This is another team that screws up, but just gets it done. One thing they do well is they know what they can and can't do. They knew that Herculean effort wasn't their thing so they immediately went to unscramble letters. I know I said before that if the teams all got grouped together, Fran and Barry might falter. They did - a little, but they're in the same spot they have been for the last couple of legs. That works for now, but eventually fourth place is going to equal last place and don't expect those hippies to stay down for long.

TEAM DEADHEAD - I never honestly thought I would witness the hippies making a mistake of this magnitude. They've been just about perfect so far and their excellent sense of direction has been a strong point until now. I am glad though that even despite the setback they were able to have fun doing the Detour. And they were honestly pertrified when Phil told them about the penalty. Maybe this will motivate them. Or maybe not from what we see in the previews next week. The only good that can come of BJ and Tyler being eliminated would be the end of the frat boys' biggest competition. Otherwise, it would be a loss. Their entertainment value is insane.

TEAM LAKE - Okay, so Lake called his wife a bitch on national television. He has officially crossed the Jonathan Baker line. Thank God he is gone before he has the opportunity to cross it further. Now, I'm really not saying Lake is a bad person because I understand editing. However, I hope seeing himself on television has opened his eyes to his behavior. One bickering couple down. One to go. Possibly two.

Can someone tell me when there is going to be a frickin' non-elimination? Geez.


Blogger J.D. said...

Hey, just about that time of the week again. I got a new Idol contestant interview...check it out sometime! :)

12:50 AM  

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