Dr. Hottie's Reality Checkup

Welcome to my world. Expect very real opinions (laden with sarcastic and off color humor) about the great invention that is reality television. This blog may occasionally stray off topic, but its for the best really.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Idol Of Oz

I've decided centering my Idol opinioncaps around movies is going to be a recurring thing. It breaks the monotony and makes it so easy to poke fun at people who annoy me. The movie of the week is The Wizard Of Oz. It fit with the theme since I would consider that movie as an old standard plus Paris is already a member of the Lollipop Guild. It works!

Oh and JD - sorry buddy but I don't think we're on the same wavelength with the performances. JUST about everyone brought it tonight. I shall explain. (Thanks for the precious reference by the way.)

Ryan Seacrest aka ToTo mourns the loss of Bucky Covington. Awwwwwww. The audience does not appear to be that upset. I hope Bucky isn't watching this.

The first to perform will be Tin Man Chris Daughtry. If someone would just hand him his oil can he wouldn't shout so much. Does no one have enough decency to help a guy out? Well, Rod Stewart does because tonight Chris is singing the Louis Armstrong classic 'What A Wonderful World'. I was truly a bit worried because this is a low key song and Mr. Daughtry is not a low key singer. He pulled it off though. It was one of his better performances, I thought. It was very much out of his element and he still did what he had to do.

It's Lollipop Guild time! FYI Paris - munchkins do not wear suits. Dimerits to the stylists. Boo! It's a good thing this little lady's speaking voice is not like her singing voice. My head might explode. Paris' performance tonight was WOW. It was her best to date in my opinion. I knew that standards would be her thing because her voice is along the same lines of singers like Billie Holliday. Very reminiscent of that era. There's really nothing more I can say about that performance. Solid.

Next up, the man who could be another Lincoln if he only had a brain, the Scarecrow Taylor. They both like to dance around. The comparison is a no-brainer. HA! I thought the mention of the Saturday Night Live skit was humorous. Of course, I've seen many impressions of Taylor so it was bound to happen. The silver fox managed to keep it toned down (for him) throughout the performance. It was another home run. Classic Taylor is GOOD Taylor. When his stuffing starts falling out and he gets lit on fire - he's not good. Last night, he kept it together.

If he only had the nerve. That's what all of us fans of the Cowardly Elliott have been saying. If he could get his confidence up and perform as well as he sings - he would be da bomb. Last night, Elliott gave a grrrrruff and a grrrrruff and he brought it home. The boy must have borrowed Paula's cup or something because he was on. Simon was ON something for saying the personality was lacking. Mr. Cowell, the personality finally came through. I guess the only good that can come of this is that the Melissa effect happens and Yamin fans vote like rabid wolves thinking he is in danger. That is my hope.

It is time for Kellie and her ruby red slippers since she thinks shoes are so great. Get cheaper haircuts Kel and you can afford more shoes. I won't even comment on what she said about a load off her chest. That was just wrong. You know, I really don't even have to make up my own comments on her performance. She said it all. Kellie butchered it. The Wizard didn't have anything for her. Now she can just click her heels together, go back to Albemarle and recall her journey in Oz. She can tell the gas station manager, the garbageman and her friends at the Wild Cherry I saw you and you and you there. Will someone just drop a house on her please?

Ace, Ace baby. Vanilla Ace, Ace baby. Sorry. Couldn't resist. Pay no attention to the man in the closet - I am the great and powerful Ace! Ace looks like an investment banker tonight. Or a Chippendale. I was waiting for tearaway pants or something. I'm hiring him for the next Bachelorette party I go to! He actually did alright tonight. I say alright because in comparison to everyone else (minus Kellie) he wasn't as good. Ace gets to be my sheep tonight. Since they'll never get rid of Pickler even if she comes on stage and mimes the song, someone has to go and Mr. Young is the low man on my totem pole. Sorry dawg.

McPheeeeeeeever. It's Kat the Good Witch. Rod Stewart loves her and her assets. Who doesn't? This is the perfect style for Kat and it showed because she knocked one out of the park. And also may I say she looked stunning last night. I think Simon went a wee bit overboard on the compliments because she was not miles above the rest. I guess he's found a new pony to ride. At any rate, Kat should have guaranteed herself to not be in the bottom three after that.

I have no idea what to predict. As far as who my bottom 3 were based on vocals/performance - Kellie, Ace and surprisingly Chris (if I have to pick one amongst the rest).

However, I believe that it WILL be Ace, Elliott and Paris. I am triple crossing my fingers that Ace goes home. Or Kellie if I win the lottery of Idol. That would be some kind of early birthday present.


Blogger J.D. said...

sorry for the late comment :) Loved your opinioncap. Definitely love the theme usage. Hey, if Idol does it, so should you!!

Hey have you read my interview with April yet? It's good stuff! (Trying to pull together a Mandisa one, give me time!)

2:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately this show really isn't about the most deserving vocalist. There are five OUTSTANDING vocalists remaining with Mandisa gone. Elliot, Katherine, Chris, Taylor and Paris.

I see Katherine as a Broadway star rather than an idol. She will end up there no matter what (movies too, no doubt). Of course she could have been Miss America or Miss Universe as well.

Although Paris is obviously gifted, her genre (Billy Holliday stylings, which I love) doesn't quite suit the 'image' of an idol.

Chris excels as a heavy rocker unequivokly, but that attracts a rather diminished percentage of public appeal.

I absolutely ADORE Taylor. He is the consummate performer, dripping with charisma as well as inate TALENT (love him). But again, his genre, bluesy soul, might reduce his chances of fullfilling the idol image.

Now we arrive at Elliot... He possesses the most versatile voice by far in this competition. Elliot has proven to be the master of every genre. Admittedly he lacks confidence, which I'm convinced would be overcome if he were to win. Image makers would have a field day with him. Elliot exemplifies a strong connection to every song. He is vulnerable and sensitive when the music dictates and is humble and grounded. What a treat to give America an idol who not only has superior 'pipes' but exemplifies a happy family man!

Why not take this opportunity to show Hollywood that we admire raw talent and aren't so shallow as to demand physical perfection. (Seriously look at the character of some of those 'physically perfect' people!) This title is afterall called American IDOL.

My opinion of Kellie is that she has true vocal potential limited to country. But in all honesty, my perception is that she is a phony. I don't buy the 'dumb blonde' and see it as 'gimmicky'.

With this said, I believe each and every one of these individuals are truly gifted artists and with or without the win, will excel in music. They will become household names. They were all blessed with an enormous break.

Mandisa, you are not forgotten and I have no doubt we'll be seeing you as well.

2:46 PM  

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