Dr. Hottie's Reality Checkup

Welcome to my world. Expect very real opinions (laden with sarcastic and off color humor) about the great invention that is reality television. This blog may occasionally stray off topic, but its for the best really.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Like Sands Through The Hourglass...

It never fails that in every season of the Race there is an episode where my favorite teams do poorly and it is usually towards the end because the teams I like are always the ones who kick ass. I was just generally very unhappy after all of this. Next week can't be much worse.

Yes. Fran and Barry are freakin lucky. I know I'm cruel and don't give them much credit, but its hard to. I give them all the props in the world for being able to do this at their age, but teams like Fran and Barry last longer because of a combination of luck and other teams' mistakes. BJ and Tyler helped them up until the Roadblock, then they followed MoJo until MoJo got lost. I give Fran credit for being able to read a map. Other than that, they're alright. Just not my preferred source of entertainment.

MoJo is still fueled by a good deal of luck. Luck was not on their side at the Detour, however it was at the Roadblock. One could say they have an off again on again relationship with it. Of course, the fact that they haven't always been the brightest bling in the jewelry shop prevented them from first place, but they still did well for themselves. I have a feeling this may not be long lasting luck, but MoJo can enjoy it for the time being.

Don't cuss at me! Don't you cuss at me Ray! Sorry. I was having a moment. Look who has improved their position. They fell behind but made up ground after the misfortune of other teams. Ray and Yolanda really have to count on that because often they do seem out of their element. If many physical detours and roadblocks lie ahead they can at least be certain they'll beat out Fran and Barry.

Guys - don't scare me like that again. Here's the thing about taking risks. Okay, so the camel thing wasn't a risk - you just got lost as hell. However, the stunt after the Roadblock.. The number one rule of the Race except for in the final leg - You don't have to finish first. Just make sure you're not last. You weren't last, but you lost a lot of time. I'm not too worried. Your biggest competition is behind you. I still believe in a frat win.

This was the first time I saw real anger and frustration from the hippies. It was actually good because it humanized them rather than just seeming like characters. Everything has just gone wrong for them the last couple of legs. I don't think being stripped of their money and possessions is going to hurt them, so I'm not worried. These people in all of these countries really take to them. It's pretty crazy. But you can expect them to bust out some major strategies from this point on. Seriously, I'd beware.

Oh and on a final note, these teams cannot fault Eric and Jeremy for being shady because all of them have done something shady at some point or another. It's A MILLION DOLLARS people. Besides, did you expect them to park their butts behind y'all and wait for you to cross the flood waters since nobody wanted to go first? Sheesh. I'm out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right "on the money" as you usually are cj. No need to tell you that we were having a coronary of sorts here... ;-)

12:18 PM  

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