Dr. Hottie's Reality Checkup

Welcome to my world. Expect very real opinions (laden with sarcastic and off color humor) about the great invention that is reality television. This blog may occasionally stray off topic, but its for the best really.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Attention: Commissioner Gordon

I'm in a superhero kind of mood. You see, I am originally from Ohio and used to frequent Cleveland quite a bit. At this current moment, Spiderman 3 is being filmed there. I'm something of a dork so I'm quite excited. It's not like it's Weekend At Bernie's. It's SPIDERMAN 3. Huge frickin' deal. Anyhoo, on with American Idol stuff.

I ran through all sorts of movies to come up with one to spoof with this Top 6. This week's movie will be the Batman series. There's only room for one star in Gotham City. Who will it be?

Perhaps Katwoman. Might I say that Kat looked absolutely unbelievable last night. Then again she always does except for the week she looked like a reject backup dancer for Preggie Spears. I didn't care for that look in particular. Kat took on a Whitney Houston song. I seriously do want to hit the judges in the head because yes it is difficult to get the original version of a song out of your head, but to compare Kat to Whitney in the first place isn't fair. They have two different styles. In fact, the only person I've ever heard hold up to Whitney on one of her power ballads is one of Clay Aiken's backup singers. She sang 'I Will Always Love You' and it was every bit just as good as Whitney in her prime. Kat's performance wasn't GREAT to be honest, but it deserved a lot more credit than the judges gave. Mean de-pimping!

Singing second was The Riddler - Elliott Yamin. He's a riddle because I can't understand why it took some people this long to recognize how truly good he is. It even took Elliott himself a long time as his confidence has finally showed up the last couple of weeks. This was his best performance and one of the best PERIOD of this season. And seriously what was up with Paula crying? Is she trying to make it obvious that she's wasted or what? I guess if it makes for good TV it's okay. Big props to E-Dawg and I am sure this performance is enough to keep him in the game this week.

Oh, great. It's time for little miss Poison Ivy Pickler. And the question on the minds of all Americans.... what will Kellie do tonight to make herself look like an idiot? I know - sing 'Unchained Melody'. The second I heard she would be performing this song I knew she had to be insane. It's Simon Cowell's favorite song and one of the greatest songs of all time. Period. I suppose this will really test her fan base's loyalty. First, she starts the song in the middle which comes off terrible to me, but I guess that was the arrangement and not her. It just all goes downhill from there. Again, she knew she made a boo boo. If Kellie thinks she did bad - others should take that as a hint. It's clear at this point that she is outmatched vocally. Like Poison Ivy, the songs she's touched lately have withered. Everyone loved Old Yeller, but it was really for the best. Don't dial. You'll thank yourself for it later.

Next up was Paris Bennett aka Batgirl. Damn. I gave away her secret identity. She's a good singer - that's obvious. She just has a lot of actual maturing to do as opposed to the maturity she shows in her performances. And what better way to break from that mold then singing the love theme for senior citizens everywhere - 'The Way We Were'. Paris's vocals weren't bad, but the song choice was my problem. As it has been so many times this season. Granted, I loved Paris last week and she sang an older style song, but it was a jazzy song so she was able to inject some youthfulness into it. This week was just... it didn't do anything for me. Therefore, I think Paris may be in some trouble.

Taylor 'The Joker' would not seem to specialize in love songs. He's always done best with the upbeat stuff because he can run around the stage like his pants are on fire and everyone goes crazy. He really should have gone with "You Are So Beautiful". Taylor singing smooth, soulful R & B didn't work for me in spots. When Taylor sings hard and really gets into it - magic. When he tried to sing those low notes I just wasn't hearing it and that is when it sounded karaokeish. However, I don't think Taylor is in any kind of trouble because the Soul Patrol is even more rabid than the Pickler Pack and would vote for Taylor even if he sang 'I Kissed A Girl'. I'm not THAT loyal.

And finally the man of the hour... the Chosen One... it... is... Dananananananana DAUGHTRY!! Christopher sang 'Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman'. Good call. Not only did he sing it well, but a song like that is going to cause every woman who watches the show to dial for him until their fingers bleed. He knows how to work that hottie angle. The judges didn't OVER praise him in the manner that they did Katharine last week so I was glad to see that. Nothing more you can say. Except Batman's wife isn't going to appreciate the piles of panties that Chris receives in the mail after this performance. That's what you get for marrying the hottest man in the known WORLD. Sorry. Just had to use a Randy Jackson catchphrase.

We'll see all 3 ladies in the Bottom 3 tonight, except a possible trade of Katharine for Elliott.

Pickler should go home if there is any justice in the world, but it will likely be Paris. The doctor has spoken.


Blogger J.D. said...

lol...lovin' it :) keep it up.

5:14 AM  

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