Dr. Hottie's Reality Checkup

Welcome to my world. Expect very real opinions (laden with sarcastic and off color humor) about the great invention that is reality television. This blog may occasionally stray off topic, but its for the best really.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Some People Say There's A Woman To Blame..

In the great world of So You Think You Can Dance coupling, women seem to be screwing over the men left and right. Hence, why I have never believed (back when they started doing this on Idol) that there has to be an even number of guys and girls. If there's 5 guys and 5 girls and two girls suck more than all 5 guys -- then too bad for those two girls. Just my preference on that.

Okay, I'm done venting. The bottom 3 couples as you probably know turned out to be Dmitry & Joy, Ryan & Heidi and Jason & Alex. Not a surprise. Kind of thought it might be Ashlee & Ben instead of Ryan & Heidi, but they were saved for the second week in a row by an apparently rabid fan base. (I like them - just really shocked they keep being safe.)

At this point, without even seeing any dancing I thought Joy was toast. Without a doubt. For the guys, I was concerned that it would be Dmitry even though I didn't feel it should be. I couldn't take it 2 weeks in a row. But I was really leaning towards Ryan going because Jason has more of a personality and has been spectacular.

Joy's solo was nothing to rave about. I wasn't really expecting a whole lot from her anyways.

Heidi frickin' rocked. It definitely was a Benji-esque performance. SAFE by a mile.

Aleksandra's solo really did stink like a gutted fish sitting out in the sun for a week. I almost thought it was enough to save Joy.

Dmitry came out with guns a' blazin'. What's bad is it was strong, just like Staz's was last week, but the judges had the total opposite reaction about it. I think they've been drinking out of Paula Abdul's cup, but I'm very glad Dmitry stayed.

Ryan was impressive. I totally agree with the judges though about not feeling the connection as the audience. He has talent, but I don't get excited when I watch him. For this reason alone I was sure he would get cut.

Jason's solo wasn't totally awesome, but he danced really well and I was into it. I don't know what Nigel was watching. If they're taking into account past performances and potential for the future, I don't know how you don't save Jason. But that's why I'm not a judge I guess.

I don't know that Dmitry's new partnership with Alex will work out any better than the one with Joy, but we'll see. I would have loved to see him with Heidi. Aw shucks.


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