Dr. Hottie's Reality Checkup

Welcome to my world. Expect very real opinions (laden with sarcastic and off color humor) about the great invention that is reality television. This blog may occasionally stray off topic, but its for the best really.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Mass Confusion

Okay this is going to be really messy and not make much sense, but I have missed out so forgive me. I was on a little vacay and had some trouble catching up on my television programs so this will be the short and sweet version.

Briefly, I was sorry to see Jaymz go on SYTYCD, but he would have been my choice. Not the case with Musa who, love him or hate him, is highly entertaining. He wouldn't have won so I wasn't that devastated, but it still sucked. One of these days I will go on another one of my famous rants about how there aren't too many "fair" reality shows out there. But hey, I watch them anyways.

I'm very nervous about the new couplings. Just when you start to like two people together they go and break 'em up! I guess at least now we're voting for individuals. If I had to choose my next guy and girl to go would be Ivan and Martha. What do you know? They're partners! Ivan has grown a lot, but if I had to pick SOMEONE it would have to be him but it will probably be Ryan. Martha is my homegirl but she just doesn't have the personality that the other 4 girls do.

We shall see.

Oh and on Treasure Hunters I am now heavy on the Air Force and Ex-CIA bandwagons. And I have even warmed up to the Fogals although someone needs to put a sock in Kayte's mouth. Seriously.