Dr. Hottie's Reality Checkup

Welcome to my world. Expect very real opinions (laden with sarcastic and off color humor) about the great invention that is reality television. This blog may occasionally stray off topic, but its for the best really.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Three Way Pit Stop

Boy, we sure had an exciting one this time. And who would have thunk that Ray and Yolanda would have been the one team NOT involved in the footrace at the end? Actually I kind of had a feeling from the editing that this might happen. Let's take a closer look, shall we?

How did Ray and Yolanda move into first place this week? They stayed away from the drama. They kept cool heads, did what they had to do and stayed free and clear from any and all drama involving beating up hippies or sleeping with other people's girlfriends. Sometimes the best way to complete a task is to focus on it and it alone. Props to them. They have a lead now and as long as they don't get lost or argue they're good. Unless of course everyone gets on the same airplane flight or they have to go to a place that isn't open right then. Which has happened an awful lot lately.

You kind of had to know that once Dani and Danielle left this would happen. Eric, I'd watch it. Joseph is pretty unstable although I still think you can take him. And Jeremy, you're going to have to fight Phil for Yolanda if Ray ever breaks up with her. The Philinator kind of has the hots for her. I can't blame you for choosing to do the 'Wet' detour. On paper it looked like the better option and I think those tribal dudes were easy on everyone with the note they had to play. Who knew that you'd have to play Indiana Jones? Great job catching up to the hippies though. Oh and now we also know that you can beat them in a footrace too. Things are looking up. And I think you're both amazing no matter what happens. We SO have to kick it if you guys ever come up to visit Casa Sanchez. Am I biased? No, not at all. By the way, sheer genuis cancelling the cabs even though somehow your cab decided not to show up too. Okay, karma had its way with you. Now its all business.

Sometimes it just isn't the hippies day. It really was MoJo that forced BJ and Tyler to start getting all dastardly. And they aren't even being as vindictive as they should be. The cab incident didn't set them back because they eventually got back in it, but damn that spider river! Again, if I were them I would have chosen that too, but what can you do? So now they will be starting another leg with no money. It could not happen to a better team. This should not hurt them a bit. They're hippies! You just watch. And SO glad they yielded MoJo. Unfortunately MoJo was unphased.

Actually Monica is a whiner and Joseph is a weiner, but they're pretty close to the same thing. They thought they were clever this leg. Cancelling cabs - didn't work. Offering kisses to airport workers -- didn't work. Joseph keeping his woman in check -- didn't work. Beating the hippies to the mat -- DID work, but I swear Monica acted like she just made head cheerleader or something. Okay. You weren't last. SHUT UP. Honestly, I'm sure Monica and Joseph are lovely people in real life. But their portrayals on TV -- awful. I guess someone has to be the villian. Hey maybe next week Eric will just steal Monica away so Joseph will have to forfeit. Oh and I know they weren't last but they're last in my recap.

Next week, MoJo breaks down. I sure do hope its the kind of breakdown where the mechanics look at your car and say you're screwed. I was speaking figuratively of course, but you know what I mean. And the frats have fun with monkeys. I hate monkeys. They just can't behave.

The competition will only get more intense now. Fake sign in sheets and cancelled cabs are a thing of the past.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah we SO have to kick it when the guys come up to visit Casa Sanchez. Hell of a sprint and the Kentucky Derby wasn't till Saturday. Good reading as usual CJ...thanks

11:33 PM  

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